
Protein and DNA Removal Spin-columns, updated


Protein and DNA Removal Spin-columns, updated



The Protein and DNA Removal Columns are designed to separate small molecules and liposomes from

proteins, DNA and RNAs.  The columns can be used for separation of free drugs and liposome-encapsulated

drugs from protein-bound or DNA-bound drugs, free ligands from receptor-bound ligands. They can also be

used for preparation of HPLC samples by removing the DNA or proteins from biological samples.



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The column resin is highly charged and binds DNA, RNA and proteins. The binding between the biological

molecules and the column resin is mainly charge-charge interactions.  Hydrophobic interactions may also

contribute to the binding.  The proteins, nucleic acids and protein-bound drug stay on the column while the

small polar molecules or liposomes are in the elute.  Small but very hydrophobic molecules may also bind

to the column.



The binding capacity of the spin columns is more than 0.10 mg of protein or 0.02 mg of DNA per column.



The binding capacity of the preparative columns is more than 1.2 mg of protein or 0.24 mg of DNA per column.



Ordering informations   

Catalog No.

Product Name



Protein and DNA Removal Spin-columns

20 pre-packed spin-columns


Protein and DNA Removal Spin-columns

4 pre-packed preparative-columns





▣ 관련 페이지 ; Profoldin





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