
Proceptor™, 면역복합체 측정 ELISA kit



CIC (circulating immune complex; 순환면역복합체) 중 보체를 측정하는 ELISA 키트



ProGen Biologics사의 독자적인 기술로서, 순환면역복합체 (circulating immune complexes; CICs)와

complement activation(보체활성화)을 측정하기 위한 ELISA kit 입니다

Proceptor™ ELISA 순환면역복합체 (circulating immune complexes; CICs)에 결합하는 C1q, C3, C4, C5 및

C5b-9를 정량하여 임상적으로 관련성이 높은 보체를 측정합니다 . Proceptor™ ELISA는 호스트의 대사경로 유래

단백질의 간섭을 받지 않고 질환의 병리에 직접 관여하는 CIC중인 보체 나노그램 양을 측정합니다. 순환면역복합체

(CIC) 중 보체량과 혈장 총보체 수준과의 비교는 면역상태의 지표로서 유용합니다. 순환면역복합체 (CIC)에 포함

된 IgA와 IgM을 측정하는 ELISA 키트는 세계적으로도 유일한 분석입니다. 또한 ProGen Biologics사는 B세포수용

체 편집의 연구를 위해 CIC에 존재하는 면역글로블린 경쇄의 양을 측정하는 분석도 제공합니다.





1. Unique, Accurate, Informative

These are only commercial assays that offer the measurement of immune complexes coposed of IgA and

IgM isotypes. The Proceptor complement assays measure the amount of complement associated with the

CIC unlike the other ELISA that measure the total serum complement.


2. Sensitive

Detect nangram amount of complement proteins and microgram qunatities of CIC.


3. Easy, Convenient, Stable

The assays use simple ELISA procedure and standard laboratory equipments. Each kit is sufficient to

measure 40 samples in duplicate. kits have a self life of six months.



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ProceptorTM ELISA kits measure the CIC formed with

different immunoglobulin isotypes. The assay for

complement measure the complement bound directly

to CIC, thus providing the direct measurement of

complement activation. Figure No. 1 shows the

standard curve used for quantitating the complement

bound to CIC.


     Fig 1. Standard curves for the quantification of

     complement proteins C1q, C3, C4 and C5 bound

     to CIC.





ProceptorTM ELISA targets only complement bound to CIC, thus measuring pathogenic CIC.    


Use ProceptorTM assays to monitor complement activation from antibody based therapies.  



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The complement regulatory proteins vitronectin and

clusterin are present two to three fold higher on

membrane attack complex (MAC) bound to CIC

(Figure No. 2). Company sells assays to measure

these proteins bound to CIC-MAC complex and to

soluble MAC (SMAC).


     Fig. 2 The amount of vitronectin and clusterin

     bound to soluble CIC in SLE patients





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To define which complement pathway is contributing

in complement activation use the combination of the

assays from classical pathway C1q, C4, for

alternative pathway measure C3 and for terminal

pathway use either C5 or MAC.  


     Fig. 3 Complement proteins C1q, C3, C4 and C5

     present on CIC in SLE patients.





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  Fig. 4 Effect of plasma pheresis on CIC and complement bound to CIC pre and post therapy.



Figure 4 demonstrate the changes on the levels of CIC composed of IgG isotype pre and post

plasmapheresis. The amount of C4 and C5 bound to CIC was also measured. Post plasmapheresis the

amount of the C4 and C5 dropped significantly. The drop was more then 80%, not accountable by decrease

in the levels of CIC.




Ordering informations


Catalog No.

Product Name



Proceptor™ IgG--CIC

Human IgG containing CIC


Proceptor™ IgM--CIC

Human IgM containing CIC


Proceptor™ IgA--CIC

Human IgA containing CIC


Proceptor™ Ig--LC-K-CIC

Human Ig-kappa chain containing CIC


Proceptor™ Ig--LC-L-CIC

CIC Human Ig-lambda containing CIC


Proceptor™ C1q--CIC

Complement C1q bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C3--CIC

Complement C3 bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C3d--CIC

Complement C3d bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C4--CIC

Complement C4 bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C4d--CIC

Complement C4d bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C5--CIC

Complement C5 bound to CIC


Proceptor™ C5b9-CIC

Complement C5b-9 bound to CIC


Proceptor™ Clusterin-CIC

Clusterin bound to CIC


Proceptor™ Clusterin-MAC

Clusterin bound to MAC


Proceptor™ Vitronectin-CIC

Vitronectin bound to CIC


Proceptor™ Vitronectin-MAC

Vitronectin bound to MAC


Plasma C3d

Total Plasma C3d


Plasma C4d

Total Plasma C4d

* Measure 40 samples in duplicate.



▣ 관련 페이지 ; ProGen Biologics LLC





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