
Minute™ Mitochondria Isolation kit for Muscle Tissues/Cultured Muscle …


Mitochondria Isolation kit for Muscle Tissues/Cultured Muscle Cells 


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Muscle cells have large number of mitochondria because they are continually used to move

the body.  Another mitochondrion-rich organ is the heart where mitochondria make up about

40% of the heart cells. However, isolation of mitochondria from muscle tissues can be difficult

due to that fact that interfibrillar mitochondria are hidden deep among muscle fibrils. Traditional

methods usually require polytron tissue disintegrator and ultracentrifuge for purification with

high density mediumsuch as Percoll gradient. This kit was developed using our proprietary

technologies, making mitochondria isolation from muscles simple, rapid and user friendly.

Intact mitochondria can be isolated from fresh/frozen muscle tissues in about 1h with higher



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Ordering information     

Catalog No.

Product Name

Kit components



Minute™ Mitochondria Isolation kit for Muscle Tissues/Cultured Muscle Cells

Buffer A

25 ml

Buffer B

10 ml

Filter Cartridge

50 units

Collection tubes with cap (2 ml)

50 units

Plastic rods

2 units

Tissue dissociation beads

5 g

* For 50 preps


▣ 관련 페이지 ; Invent Biotechologies, Inc.





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