
Minute™ Organic Solvent-Free Milk Lipid Depletion Kit



Minute™ Organic Solvent-Free Milk Lipid Depletion Kit


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Human/animal whole milk contain large amount of lipids that should be removed prior to milk protein

analysis and purification. Traditionally, organic solvent extraction such as the Folch method is the method of

choice. The use of chloroform as organic phase is undesirable due to its toxicity. Many organic solvents can

effectively extract lipid from milk but also precipitate proteins that become insoluble upon resuspension. With

this kit milk proteins are precipitated in an aqueous environmentand can be easily re-dissolved in aqueous

buffer systems for downstream applications. The kit can separate whole milk into three fractions: water

soluble protein fraction, casein fraction and lipid fraction without using organic solvents. The extracted lipid

fraction can be used directly or resuspend in organic solvent of your choice then dried for downstream lipid

analysis. Each kit provides sufficient reagents for up to 100 preps based on a 100 μL sample size. The

protocol can be scaled up or down dependsupon researcher’s need.


   클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


    클릭하시면 닫힙니다.이미지 저장을 원하시면 마우스 오른쪽클릭후 '다른이름으로 저장'을 하세요


Ordering information     

Catalog No

Product Name

Kit components



Minute™ Organic Solvent-Free Milk Lipid Depletion Kit

Buffer A

10 ml

Buffer B

20 ml

* For 20 preps 

▣ 관련 페이지 ; Invent Biotechologies, Inc.




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