
ProPrep™ Omni - for BAC & Plasmids


ProPrep™ Omni - for BAC & Plasmids 

ProPrep™ Omni is a complete purification system based upon the propietary reagent, ProPrep™, that has been demonstrated to provide high quality DNA suitable for automated fluorescent 

sequencing of small to large insert DNA. The ProPrep™ strategy is to remove only the contaminants and leave DNA alone. This minimizes shearing, improves yield, and makes ProPrep™ Omni 

ideal for template DNA preparation and transfection of plasmids, cosmids, and BACs. The ProPrep™ Omni system starts with up to 200 & 1000ml cultures and then utilizes ProPrep™ in a 

modified alkaline lysis protocol.

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Ideal for template DNA preparation and transfection of plasmids, cosmids, and BACs.

Provides high-quality DNA suitable for automated fluorescent sequencing for small-large insert DNA.

Utilizes ProPrep™ strategy, minimizes shearing and improves yield. Yields to 250ug BAC DNA.

Starts with up to 200 & 1000ml cultures.

Ordering information 

Catalog No.

Product Name


 PPO-200/1000 (PDF)

ProPrep™ Omni

up to 200 / 1000 ml cultures


▣ 관련 페이지 ; Biotech Support Group


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