
Actin-Toolkit ELISA, Actin 결합능력 분석


Actin-Toolkit ELISA, Actin 결합능력을 분석하는 키트 


ELISA 방법으로, 표적 ligands의 G-actin 또는 F-actin 과의 상호작용을 분석하는 키트입니다.

Sandwich ELISA와 direct ELISA 법으로 측정 할 수 있으며, α-actin rabbit skeletal muscle과

bovine α-cardiac actin의 2가지가 있습니다.


The Actin-Toolkits ELISA is used to analyse ligand interactions with G-Actin or F-actin by enzyme

linked immunosorbant assay. Purified proteins or other ligands, semi-purified ligands or crude

extracts can be used for the assays. Thus the Toolkit is suited for quantitative analyses or to

determine actin-binding at various concentrations e.g. with crude extracts.


The Actin-Toolkits ELISA is available either with biotinylated α-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle or

with biotinylated α-actin from bovine cardiac muscle.



  • Proof of ligand-actin interactions by ELISA with purified, semipurified or crude extracts
  • Suited to determine ligand binding G- or F-actin
  • Analysis of pharmacological compounds, proteins or lipids altering ligand-actin-interaction
  • All kit components are suitable for further in vitro applications


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Rabbit Skeletal Muscle α-actin






Biotin-Actin (biotinylated α-skeletal muscle actin)



Skeletal muscle alpha actin, rabbit

Molecular mass



Toolkit description



























The Actin-Toolkit ELISA is used to analyze ligand interactions with G-actin or

F-actin by enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. Purified proteins or other ligands,

semi purified ligands or crude extracts can be used for the assays.

Thus the Toolkit is suited for quantitative analyses or to determine actin-binding

at various concentrations e.g. with crude extracts.


Two types of ELISA assay are utilized in the assays:


1. Direct ELISA.: the ligand is coated to the surface of the plate and either

G-Biotin-actin or F-biotin actin is used to directly interact with the ligand.

To detect Biotin-Actin successfully bound to the coated ligand, either

a anti-biotin antibodies (HRP or alk. Phosphatase conjugated) or e.g. Streptavidin

(HRP or alk Phosphatase conjugated) is used.


2. Sandwich ELISA.: the ligand is coated to the surface of the plate and either

G-Biotin-actin or F-actin is used to directly interact with the ligand. To detect

Actin successfully bound to the coated ligand the anti-actin antibody

(clone2G2) is used to be detected by secondary antibodies (mouse anti IgG or

Mouse anti IgM - HRP or alk. Phosphatase conjugated) is used. Anti-Actin is an

IgM and thus able to efficiently bind to five actin. This results in an amplification of

the signal obtained by secondary antibodies.


The kit contains Biotin-Actin, Actin and monoclonal anti-Actin, buffers for ELISA

keeping actin functional and preventing denaturing of actin. A handbood introduces

and guides through the experimental work with actin.




 >99% by scanning densitometry





Lyophilized, ready-to-use

Kit content










4x100µg Biotin-Actin (lyophilized powder)

4x50ml G- ATP-buffer (lyophilized)

1x200ml F- ATP-buffer

1x100mM ATP (lyophilized)

1x500mM DTT (lyophilized)

1x50µg monoclonal anti-Actin

1x50mg BSA (fatty-acid free)

1xToolkit Handbook Actin-Toolkit ELISA


Actin Buffer





2mM Tris-Cl pH 8.2, 0.4mM ATP, 0.5mM DTT, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1mM NaN3 and 0.3%

disaccharides, when reconstituted with 1.0 ml ultrapure water to obtain a 1mg/ml



Purification notes


Purified from rabbit skeletal muscle, GPC.

Protein concent.


Determined by the Biuret method

Storage instructions





We guarantee stable performance of the kit components for 6 months when stored at

-70°C upon arrival. Solubilized G-actin is kept on ice and should be used within 1

week. Avoid refreezing.


Shipping conditions


At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.







For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or

Therapeutical Applications.


CAS no.


51005-14-2 (Actin)



α-Cardiac Actin, Bovine






Biotin-Actin (biotinylated α-cardiac actin)



Cardiac muscle alpha actin, bovine

Molecular mass



Toolkit description



























The Actin-Toolkit ELISA is used to analyze ligand interactions with G-actin or

F-actin by enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. Purified proteins or other ligands,

semi purified ligands or crude extracts can be used for the assays.

Thus the Toolkit is suited for quantitative analyses or to determine actin-binding

at various concentrations e.g. with crude extracts.


Two types of ELISA assay are utilized in the assays


1. Direct ELISA.: the ligand is coated to the surface of the plate and either

G-Biotin-actin or F-biotin actin is used to directly interact with the ligand.

To detect Biotin-Actin successfully bound to the coated ligand, either

a anti-biotin antibodies (HRP or alk. Phosphatase conjugated) or e.g. Streptavidin

(HRP or alk Phosphatase conjugated) is used.


2. Sandwich ELISA.: the ligand is coated to the surface of the plate and either

G-Biotin-actin or F-actin is used to directly interact with the ligand. To detect

Actin successfully bound to the coated ligand the anti-actin antibody

(clone2G2) is used to be detected by secondary antibodies (mouse anti IgG or

Mouse anti IgM - HRP or alk. Phosphatase conjugated) is used. Anti-Actin is an

IgM and thus able to efficiently bind to five actin. This results in an amplification of

the signal obtained by secondary antibodies.


The kit contains Biotin-Actin, Actin and monoclonal anti-Actin, buffers for ELISA

keeping actin functional and preventing denaturing of actin. A handbook introduces

and guides through the experimental work with actin.




 >99% by scanning densitometry




Lyophilized, ready-to-use

Kit content










4x100µg Biotin G-Actin (lyophilized powder)

4x50ml G- ATP-buffer (lyophilized)

1x200ml F- ATP-buffer; (liquid)

1x100mM ATP (lyophilized)

1x500mM DTT (lyophilized)

1x50µg monoclonal anti-Actin

1x50mg BSA (fatty-acid free)

1xToolkit Handbook Actin-Toolkit ELISA


Actin Buffer





2mM Tris-Cl pH 8.2, 0.4mM ATP, 0.5mM DTT, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1mM NaN3 and 0.3%

disaccharides, when reconstituted with 1.0 ml ultrapure water to obtain a 1mg/ml



Purification notes


Purified from rabbit skeletal muscle, GPC.

Protein concent.


Determined by the Biuret method


Storage instructions





We guarantee stable performance of the kit components for 6 months when stored at

-70°C upon arrival. Solubilized G-actin is kept on ice and should be used within 1

week. Avoid refreezing.


Shipping conditions



At ambient temperature. Upon delivery store at -70°C.






For Use in Research only. Not for Use in Human or Veterinary Diagnostical or

Therapeutical Applications.

CAS no.


51005-14-2 (Actin)



Protein Sequence on NCBI

Actin-Tookit series  

Actin-Toolkit F-Actin Binding

Actin-Toolkit TIRFM

Actin-Toolkit Fluorescence Microscopy

Actin-Toolkit G-Actin Binding

Actin-Toolkit Fluorometry

Actin-Toolkit ELISA

Actin-Toolkit Ligand Interaction

Actin-Toolkit Crystallography

Actin-Toolkit Microinjection

Actin-Toolkit Electron Microscopy


Ordering informations

Catalog No.

Product Name



Rabbit Skeletal Muscle α-Actin



α-Cardiac Actin, Bovine




▣ 관련 페이지 ; HYPERMOL EK



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