
GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag



GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag


Get™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag Kit belongs to our series of kits based on Genomic Efficient Technology (GET)

for purification of nucleic acids from diverse sample.

GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein

complexes, making nucleic acids free and available for purification in pure form. Free nucleic acids, DNA

templates, are immobilized, in the presence of high concentration of chaotropic agents, on silica surface.

Following the capture of nucleic acid on the silica membrane or beads, a series of washing steps removes

interfering impurities. In the final step, pure DNA template is elutedin concentrated form with GET Elution



The Get™ Viral Nucleic Acid- Mag is based upon the principle of binding of nucleic acids on silica beads

with magnetic core in presence of chaotropic salts.



• Rapidly and efficiently isolates virus nucleic acid in cell free biological samples containing virus such as

  serum, plasma and nasal swabs

Efficient Technology: silica magnetic beads used nucleic acid purification

High Pure DNA and RNA: The nucleic acid extracted is highly pure and can be directly used for

  downstream applications such as PCR , RT-PCR, qPCR for virus detection or virus load, and virus


• No hamful organic compounds such as phenol or chloroform used  during purification.


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• Purifies viral DNA and RNA from cell free biological samples.

• Suitable for PCR studies for virus detection, virus load, and virus genotyping.


Instruction sheet (PDF)



Ordering informations


Catalog No.

Product Name



GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag

50 Preps


100 Preps



▣ 관련 페이지 ; G-Biosciences




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